Saturday, January 27, 2024

The hustle and bustle of a coffee shop always intrigues me. So many people, all living their lives mingled with smells of fresh brews and baking breads. I'm not sure I like the chaos, but I love observing them and seeing them animated and happy. I'm becoming more and more into just observing scenarios these days, but in a very detached way. It feels like a live movie just going on as I breathe. 

It's funny, having a bday breakfast and it's the first time in years that I'm just chill on my bday, I don't fear anyone holding it hostage and not wishing me as some form of punishment lol. Every year someone would do that, over something petty. I think I've finally learnt not to give importance to people who can be this mean lol. That's a great self gift tbh. ♥️

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