Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Checking out Sanderson's writing rules it's quite sensible. One of the things I'd never thought of was the distinction between types of writing styles in terms of structures. They called them gardeners v architects. Gardeners do not like having a wireframe for their stories and prefer to go with the flow in their writing so they don't mind editing but lose interest if they have to go by a stern structure. Architects like tight plots and then execute and hate revisions. This is so on point. I think I'm more in the architect category for sure, I like to get stuff done beforehand and hate revisions. I think you can even tell by reading their books which of the two styles an author might like to follow. The architects tend to be just a shade too mechanical for my liking. But then again maybe it's just the genre they tend to choose. I wonder what Tolstoy was. Dosto was deffo a gardener. Infact most older ones might be gardeners, they are so idea driven. Oh man I love this. Just checking more series out, out of academic interest and I'm actually getting quite into it. So much knowledge out there. Love it. Sanderson seems to love his work so much passion in what he says. Genuinely loved listening to the guy didn't even realise two hours passed. 

Also wonder what this boy is upto. Hope he is taking care of himself and not stressed out too much. Last week also was going crazy with bullet. I'll never understand why I feel so much concern for him, but so it goes. Have to periodically remind myself of things hurtful just so I stab my own concern of him lol. How tragic that you make me do this, but in a way it's good for me, teach me to bat for myself for once. :) 

Anyway, back to writing stuff and Sanderson. I'm glad I found this series I am enjoying it a lot. Thinking of listening to it before sleeping every night, it's great. 

Ps - Djoko Sinner I go Sinner. 

Sinner Sinner Winner πŸ†

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