Sunday, January 21, 2024

These days I don't seem to have much to say, do I? Funny. 

Two points I am determined to never to reach back in my life - 

To ever be in a slump where stuff feels so cyclical I want to scream. 

To ever let myself care about someone who demeans or devalues me. The idea that someone could be on talking terms with folks that urinate on his stuff, be on group chats with people he doesn't even know who indulge in random sleazy things, who say mean things about him that his friend openly tells in public, nary a care of how it comes across but draws the line at saying a simple hello to me is so unbelievably insulting that it is kinda low key funny to me. And right after I'd shared that I was feeling low. Lmao. There's a delicious sense of such absolute absurdity in this that it's actually just making me laugh. 

For once, it's interesting but I'm actually kinda just sure that going forward this kinda stuff and behaviour will not repeat in my life somehow. Some corner was turned and things will change going forward. Idk if it's an instinct or a hunch but something tells me stuff will get better and better from now. And I look forward to it tbh. I have a feeling life will not only change a lot, but also work out well in this year and the next. I'm happy to be patient and steady as it does. 

And no more being out of alignment with myself and doing things half assed. Full ass one thing, as Swanson says lol. 

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