Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Watched animal, dunno what the hoopla was about. Most of it was sooo shoddy. Smart marketing though, it got so much hate that  even today people are talking about it. Idk why but I feel like the quality of films is so piss poor that even I could write a half decent script. It's just awful man. Kinda shameful tbh. I legit gave Hindi films a chance thinking I hated them all my life cuz they seemed so tacky but honestly totally not worth it. A bunch of regional films were better. I remember V, he wrote suuuch a good film. And the end product is incredible as well. Lol. The amount we all used to hang out that time. I was such a kid then. I didn't even realise for years that he was so talented. Randomly used to show up at my place with his Captain Morgan and then give me tips on decor lolol. Sucked that he was a married dude who hit on women. His wife was sooo nice. Had to avoid him after I realised he was like that.  Granted he was a big douche too, but other than that deffo talented asf. God I remember how mean N was to him. Called him over to work on the script and then just didn't open the door while we were all inside. Soooo horrible. Some folks I've known have had zero issues being absolute turds to others. For no reason too, just to be a dick. What a lost opportunity for N though, he could have kept his word on the collab and been a part of that film it was amazing. Total idiot. Lol. I should watch it again. Forgot it's name too... Ummm. Wait lmc. Ah yes, Trance. What a phenom concept that was genuinely. Take a bow Vadakkan, deffo delivered on all that you narrated to me back then. And way better than expected. Man, I've really met some v talented folks over the years. Randomly I meet them, and am on the fringes of such weird stuff like sports and movies lol. But love it! 

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