Thursday, January 25, 2024

I was thinking about Zverev and how fucking scary it is to me to know that he is a violent abuser. Not only is he huge, the amount of strength he must have, unleashed in a rage against a woman is just terrifying. I've seen his outbursts openly against referees in plain sight in front of so many cameras. It was batshit crazy and even guys will find it tough to handle him if he gets that way. So with women I can't even fathom how fucked up he must be. 

I get jealousy and possessiveness, anger, temper all of that. I don't think people who are prone to that are bad or monsters or broken, it's a natural instinct and can happen. And it's something you can handle to be honest. 

But being physically abusive is just... Unpardonable. 

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