Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Read a post about DD calling out sexism in chess and half the comments are like people would not be interested in your chess cuz you are just 2400 therefore the sexist comments cuz they only care you are a girl. Like πŸ’€πŸ’€

How sad and fucked up is this. 

Love how these pathetic players suddenly feel as if only magnus can teach them. Was nice to see someone share that John B atleast calls out any bad behaviour instantly. He is a class act, I've never once seen anyone be cheap or derogatory towards women in his space. Glad there are people like him tbh. I've always appreciated how above board, classy and relevant he keeps his act. Honestly wish more people would raise their standards. The post I read was just filled with demeaning her rating or trying to justify why people act the way they do. Like so sad to do this to someone that's barely of age. Tackiness. 

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