Monday, January 29, 2024

Reflections and Lessons

One of C's office friends was fighting with her bf and that guy just sent her an expensive bag as a make up gift. Lmao. In my entire life I've never even thought of these things. Made me realise how low my expectations always were. Not that I care about stuff like this anyway, but I think it's important to know that there is consideration on both sides in any equation. I've been missing that for most of my life. This fact genuinely makes me sad, like legit just feel bad about this. I'll be mindful of this going forward. Plus idk this is basic so things should not reach a point where you have to feel like you are abandoned by someone everytime there's a tiff na. Hehe, I like feeling wanted and that I matter. Like rn also C called up just to check up on M and just listening to them talk feels so great. He is a gem, always does the sweet things... I'm glad she has him, he is a quality guy. :) 

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