Friday, December 1, 2023

Movie love

Wow woke up so groggy wtf. Man, medication can be brutal. I wanna watch some good films. Scorcese's new one is out. Man, I love him so much. Some of the best films I've seen are his I think. I miss the era of films where you could watch something cult and underground and had to sneak it in. Probably the issue with all the accessibility now. I loved researching for hours and oh man that Excel sheet I used to maintain for movies lmao. Surprisingly I thought I might like the art house types but instead I actually gravitate more to gritty cinema or coming of age stories, when done right. Or even the older gems like Cinema Paradiso and The Bicycle Thief. Ladri di biciclette. Hehe. I loooove it so much! 

The one thing I genuinely miss from all my wayward friendships is that the more streamlined crowd I know tend not to have any deep interest in films and music. And some who do just end up over explaining to me what I should watch and what not lmao. Idk why people do that, it's like a weird mix of wanting to show off and wanting validation from a person for being knowledgeable about a topic. 

Plus it's so nice to make a list and then watch it with people too. I really love that. 

Oh to have mental stimulation zomg. 

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