Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry merry merry

Christmas Eve is almost here, and the one thing I'm thankful for is literally everyone I know lol.  I don't want any wish to be fulfilled because in this moment in time I feel like I have all I need.  :)

I'm happy, and I love every last one of the dodos in my life. Truly and completely ♥️ 

All my friends, the family I used to struggle with, my inner resilience which helps me be who I am and every moment, situation, doggie meme, every little thing that comes my way and helps me affirm myself and do my best for them, I'm just so uber grateful for it all. And all the musicians in the world who create melodies that made my life bearable when nothing else seemed to go right, all those nights I struggled and cried and never quit, the fears whose strength made me realise how strong I can be, even chance encounters with people like Thibault who listen to the exact same stuff I do while trying to save the world, I'm so glad I have people I can love, admire, look up to, help out and share lots of laughs with at the end of the day. And a special bigtime mention to M - your presence has been such a game changer, you evoked so many of my fears unknowingly, and yet that very fact makes you so significant because the lens you gave me helped me heal myself. That's the selfish reason that I never quit on you. And there is an unselfish one too - which is much nicer. In you I glimpse a person that's not only worthy of loving, but also someone that's simple, whose insecurities I can intuitively understand and feel the need to protect, whose mind I respect, and whose heart I kinda cherish. I've never needed you to show me the best of you, it's the other parts that I actually give a shit about, and if someday you understand that, you'll begin to genuinely trust me. But these are things that are only understood once experienced, and life has this beautiful, entertaining way of allowing every one of us to understand stuff about ourselves through others, slowly, painfully, sometimes joyfully. I love that the path isn't simple nor is it rosy cuz that just means it's real and I value that. 

And well, we will see what turns and twists and plots come our way eventually, but at this moment in time I'm grateful, happy and looking forward to squeezing every bit of experience life has to offer. ♥️

Roll Back plays as I type all this, set and setting. 

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