Monday, December 18, 2023

Early morning runs and the world rights itself. 

Yum. And bought me some strawberries for breakfast. 


Found a nice song from that lady's vids too lol. I don't know you or what your circumstances are, but I'm sorry those guys were so mean to you, you don't deserve to have people talk to you in that sexually harassy way, no matter what. It was so wrong but the world is fucked and people don't get it. And so they laugh, on and on and on and on and on thinking they were oh so clever, oh so funny but it's neither of those things and it doesn't matter to anyone and the world turns and turns and turns and continues to suck. That's why I overuse the 'lol' too I guess. Easier. 


You said the Ocean's risiiiing.

Imma go do something mundane like shopping today, be a regular girlie for a bit. 

Let's goooooo! 

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