Monday, December 18, 2023


 “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

A line I have hated since I read it and the entire fucking book when I read it too lol. I hate what it represents - the garbage mentality of not moving forward and glamourising laziness. I assume it's true for a lot of folks for sure. 

After seeing those vids today, it dawned upon me how choices make a person. All of us... You, me, those friends of yours... We all have reckless sides to us. In whatever form it can take for whoever, I don't know the exact nature of them for everyone... Anger, mindless sex, reckless driving, idk... Some or the other form of risk taking behaviour in some area of life. I can sense yours and I know it must have been a journey to tame whatever it is that needed taming. I've always kept mine under a tight leash as well. But those vids kinda showed me what it's like on the other side when people choose not to tame their demons but rather are just run by them... And the one thing I have utter contempt and disdain for is persistent lack of self control and choosing not to have guardrails. Pathetic, truly. 


Give me Ulysses any day over this shit

To strive, to seek, to find and NOT TO YIELD!   

PS- Fuck you Gatsby...what a waste of a life.


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