Sunday, December 17, 2023


Hung out with one of M's friends today. Man, her life is so fucked I don't get it. She seems so exhausted and tired of the entire thing. Married this dude who does literally no work in the house, doesn't help with the baby, needs to be looked after constantly and has horrible in laws to boot. What in the fuck yo. 

Why do some women just feel this is all they deserve?! She even earns more than him and yet is used like a slave in her own house. By a gy who is such a dead weight like doesn't do anything and expects to be waited upon hand and foot. Won't even serve food to himself wants her to do it. Man, it's terrifying. Imagine having a baby with someone who treats you this way and the crazy amount you'll feel stuck in this situation. One of the worst, most abusive things I've seen in Indian households is how they just get so abusive towards pregnant women it's like they know you have to be careful so they'll just keep piling on work and meanness on you. 

Fuck disturbing. Why tf would you willingly marry into a family like this and a guy like this yuuuuck. And what do you see in a partner that contributes nothing to your life?! Like zero contribution actually not even zero it's a net negative just straight up sucking out your life force from are some guys raised like this man...what the fuuuuck.

I am legit terrified seeing this. I don't care about looks and money and all the rest of it but I'm never even going to settle down with someone who treats me like dirt like this. Fuck these social norms bc. Being alone is infinitely better than being with crazy, abusive fucks like this. Just be by yourself and do not have to let your life get ruined this fucking way. 

God, it's so so so so so important to be around supportive and loving people like you cannot allow for toxicity to enter your life these toxic turds are so incredibly entitled they'll ruin your happiness in the most cancerous way possible. 

I'm genuinely v disturbed by this I can't believe this is a reality for someone and they are struggling every day like this. And she says they have incredible fights too. Wtf. Just divorce him dude just do it. Why would you have a child with a dude like this aaaaaa. Damn man. I feel vvvv bad. :(

Some days I just feel like I'm so done with people yo. Really and truly like it hurts to even see some of this stuff. I'm literally witnessing someone live out my biggest fears in real time and it's every bit as awful as I had imagined them to be. 

Guys who can't take responsibility for their own kids are the biggest fucking turds in my books. Like honestly just have no redeeming quality to them fucking garbage leeches and parasites who belong to the fucking streets.

Fuck it, I'll just make cocktails and small talk with them and forget the rest idk what else to even do.


Edit: I can't yo... I just can't. With all this bs. This makes me appreciate the people who actually had kids and raised them by themselves like atleast took responsibility for their actions. Too many people out there are just complete and utter selfish fuckwads who never grow up. 

And frankly, in the long run... I'll never pick someone like this. Fuck, any dude who wants to be with me has to be not only stable and respectful but capable enough to take care of me and any family we have like this is so not even negotiable.  I'm happy to be single than ever allow my feelings to develop for people who don't earn that right. I'm pretty sure I bring all the right and good things to the table now and I don't ever want to low ball myself into wanting to settle for folks who don't make me feel happy and secure. Bare minimum is not good enough fuck that.

Lol, I can't even play chess now lol. So mindfucked. Just resigned a game for no reason. Fuck everything.

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