Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Watching some movie on new age dating brooo this stuff is too damn crazy for me. Lmao. Everyone just fucking up all the time. I'm wayyyyyy tooooo old school for any of this. And this tinder gang ffs. Just banishing loneliness I guess, idk. So many ways to fuck your own mental health up these days tbh. Learning to be okay with yourself truly is a super power. You can't maintain balance if other people are the only ones that give you that balance. But anyway, I'm glad I don't have to deal with any of this, it all just feels kinda fake and pointless. I think the rise of therapy is kinda proportional to this tbh. People can be such dicks to each other, seriously. 

Hehe, I just like old school, old world folks who like to work and chill and have fun but not let life get complicated. Give me random nonsense problems anyday, but never in my life am I drowning in these insecure shitty moments... It's so not worth it. As much as I enjoy flights of fancy and merriment, I think I'm naturally drawn to grounded people at the end of the day. I need that sense of stability and routine in my equations where I know continuity is assured and people won't suddenly forget me or cause random upheavals. I fucking hate that shit. 

I think what people tend to forget and lose sight of - is that not only does it take effort to cultivate love and happiness, but it takes time to build trust in another person, knowing that they'll care about you when most others won't. There's vvv few people in this world who would have your best interests at heart, and be your anchor as well as your cheerleaders, and it's important to be able to carry them forward. I'm glad I have few such people in my life, and in fact at every point I've been lucky enough to have folks to fall back on... It's what kept me sane and grounded, what continues to keep me that way. Otherwise it's all too easy to lose sight of what's important and then just float. This is why I don't respect cheaters and folks who in general backstab, they are always the ones left holding a bag of shit eventually. Not a single person who made life hell for others is someone I see as happy today, and it's more or less of their own making. I guess a little bit of discontent is always to be expected, but by and large you should be able to lead a happy existence and that doesn't come by on its own but is a by product of choosing the right path. Took me soooo long to understand these fundamentals. But I'm glad I do now. 

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