Sunday, December 17, 2023


Chatted with Thibault the other day, and talked a bit about music. It's surprising so me how down to earth the guy is, he asked for a reco for some Carnatic music cuz he was listening to a similar artist I hadn't heard of. Very purist vibe I get from the guy, but I didn't expect the niceness and the general openness to tell about his work etc. V cool man. Plus I love the reciprocity in general as a trait in people. I dislike it when someone is all about themselves and never actually includes you or your opinion in their life cuz they want to be superior. Met some insecure folks like that over my lifetime and can't say I care for it. And yet, with the actual accomplished ones... you think they will have this attitude to them and then they surprise you with not just humility but also how they don't talk down to you which I appreciate lots. This trait always sticks out to me tbh, when someone displays a genuine sense of interest in something and doesn't automatically assume you are a noob but actually discusses things as an equal lol. So many people have tried to explain things to me when I knew just as much or more than them like it wasn't the explanation that used to get to me it was outrageous that they'd talk about something v basic and explain it to me like they discovered gravity. Fuck. Was so irritating. Haha... a lifelong issue with being a girl I suppose. Glad to know not everyone has that issue and are secure enough in themselves to be respectful to others too.

Nice stuff... I think he and M will get along if they knew each other maybe. Might have a bit of an overlap in mindset although they do seem v different as people tbh. Haha yeah actually  one is a capitalist and the other is a commie lol. Interesting.

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