Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Having such an enjoyable day... I love having so much free time during year end. Was lounging around and told M I feel so at ease with him too, been thinking about saying that for a while lol. My flight riskiness around him has lowered, and I think a large part of it is cuz he has also become v calm with me. It's nice, hope it stays. He also puts in lil, lil effort now that I spot which I like lots. It's funny that I say I used to be a flight risk, I think it's just cuz I value him which is ironic. Hmmm. Actually it's not the value part, I think it's more the part where I used to keep wanting to look for red flags so I don't get hurt. Too risk averse I've become, huh? But also a lot more stable compared to the beginning of the year or even till midway. Anyway, I'm glad. I think all the major stuff I had to deal with is more or less out of my system. Glad he didn't quit on me either. I love him for that, and I hope I make a positive  difference in his life too. ♥️

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