Saturday, December 30, 2023


Ending this year on a really good note. I'm glad. Started it with a lot of fears and optimism and a whole lot of hope in some sense and all of that transmuted along the way and now I'm at peace and happy and sort of... Hmmm... I'm okay being me. I like it, it's nice. Feels really liberating. Hope 2024 is the stuff of dreams, I'd like to have a kick-ass year ahead. 

And you know what... One thing I ammmm a bit annoyed by is my chess group a little bit. One of the mods really thinks I can't play huh. The highest rated is a measly 2100 online and the rest are all below but acting like some gods lmao. I really wanna get better just to stick it to them. Let's do this in 2024 for reals. It would be so fucking satisfying. Idk why that "in case you qualify for the semis " triggered me so much but fuck all of you lmao. 

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