Sunday, December 17, 2023

Wow watching some vid and man, there's like layers to this twitch thing that I simply didn't know or understand. What in the fuck. The abusive vibes I got off from that one dude yuck repulsive. I think long back he was the one dude who had asked me if I was a girl too and I remember being annoyed at the way he had questioned. Tf is with these people. Think you need to be a girl like her to handle them honestly. 

Ewww I just feel... like... idk I was so fucking innocent man. Would people have thought of me this way? Or when I spoke to anyone would they think I'm like this too? Did M? Wow... I mean. I just don't know what to think. 

I genuinely feel vvv gross. All this is just trash dude. I can also never tell if people are this way from the get go idk why. Just default assume everyone is nice and I really shouldn't. Hmmm. Honestly can never tell what all anyone gets up to. 

Okay I want to go back into my blanket and forget this shit. Think I'm gonna take some time off the internet and people for a bit I am sick of it all. Finish some work and go to the lake for a run later

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