Saturday, December 23, 2023

A bright sunny day after a long time. Let's go for a nice run in the park in the evening and get some fresh air. And then bake a cake for Christmas lol. Do something fun for a bit :) Noticing now that all this cycling is changing my body comp a bit. Getting an ass which I didn't have before. Lmao. Dunno what to feel about it. Legs are also stronger and more defined. That bit I like, I have like no upper body strength so it feels nice

Reading some article on first principles value questions lol. How pathetic that they took a concept in physics and just turned it into a marketing slogan. Gotta hand it to musk, for all his flaws, the man is very good at marketing. All these ceos seem to be, very good with words and playing their mindless followers with glimpses of alleged superiority. People just love feeling like they are intellectual giants when all they are doing is being sheep. Twitter is such a shithole fuck. And yet it's an easy news outlet but my god the number of people on there just being snarky with the air of superiority is unreal. How do you all get to that level of ego and childishness just too fucking dumb and crazy. 

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