Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Reading about Rafa not knowing how to play without pain. Damn man, must have a mind of steel to be able to keep going. And not only going but to want to win despite that. I feel like after a certain point, it's okay to relax and let things be natural. It is not normal to constantly be battling pain. I sent that article to M also. He is another one, will keep pushing and won't take a break. Ugh. Sometimes I just wanna make sure this emotional boy actually knows how to take care of himself, and it sucks that I can't just say that. 

I'd be sooo controlling about these tiny domestic type things lolol. Certain areas of life I just can't help myself. I'm quite nest-y-ish that way, need to make sure everyone is healthy and happy etc. He should also drink ginger and mint tea like me, that's also anti inflammatory and feels nice. How do I make him do it?πŸ’€

You know... Life would be a lot simpler if he just listened to me more I think. Hehe. I would totally love that. In general I think in certain things men should just give in and listen to women and not complain about it. 😬 100 percent of women will agree with me on this I'm vvvv sure.

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