Thursday, December 28, 2023

Sugar Rush

Omg I ate too much food. Ate something sweet after soooo long but now I feel like I'm going to low key puke. Lol. Never gonna understand anyone with a sweet tooth. How can y'all like sugary stuff? 

Saw some clip of KK welling up talking about her husband that too was vv sweet and is now adding to my nausea. 

In all fairness to her, I used to think saying things like my husband is my world etc is a cringe thing to say and feel but I recant all of it cuz I'll most likely be exactly like that down the line. Now how's that for overtly sweet?

Omg imma get a nice afternoon nap today like a cat snoozing in the sun. Feel like Garfield NGL. 

Gnite world! Wake me up when the sun goes down!

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