Monday, July 17, 2023


Sometimes I think you are still a kid, especially  when you sulk and pout lol. But today I got the feeling that you might be a good dad if you want kids. I think you know when to be responsible, and when to have fun. This could be something we have in common. I like goofing around but I can be quite strict and firm if the situation calls for it. Wonder if I can tell you that haha. Maybe someday I will. I anyway end up blurting out every little thing that strikes me to you these days. I like doing that, feels good to share. I actually do act like that puppy, just can't help doting on you sometimes. I must credit you for that though, you've been so patient and kind that I feel really comfortable sharing these sides with you now. A huge big thanks for that, I was coming off of such a bad phase that if not for that patience, I would have never reached out. I remember how skeptical and flight risky I was initially with you. Only to realise that I now feel quite protective of you. So this must mean you are important to me. Good. And don't you dare fuck it up lol. I'll make sure I'm there for you here on out too, for reals. And I'm good at being steady and loyal, so I hope you feel the same sense of comfort with me as well. You seem like you take a lot of time to trust people, but that's okay. Everything in its due time.

Damn, adulthood. Never thought I'd actually think or say these things about someone. Feels nice.

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