Sunday, July 23, 2023

Drawing lines

I was wondering why I felt so bad this time. It's not just that one thing where you didn't answer. It's that you don't show me any care. You've never asked how I'm doing, shown any interest in me as a person. Everything is always about you. Hell, even texting me first seems like pulling teeth and I can't understand why. That too after all this time. It's not like you don't want to speak to me, I know you do. So what is even the problem? I know it's not trust, cuz I know you trust me. What's the fear here? Do you fear rejection per chance? The only people I've known who don't take an interest in others or openly show affection are ones who feel like if they show someone they care, then they'd get fucked over or something. So they keep trying to have an upper hand by acting aloof. Hmmm. I hope that's not you, cuz if it is then how will you ever make anyone happy. And unhappy people eventually leave. That's just a fact. 

Idk man. But I'm not spending time figuring this out. And I am genuinely mentally exhausted because it just feels like I'm doing all the giving and that takes a toll. Plus you aren't a child, you've had enough time to work this stuff out on your own. I'm not settling for scraps anymore, I'm done with that joke. I'd rather be alone than go down that road ever again. 

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