Saturday, July 1, 2023

Fist Bumps and Big Teeth

I like how you have the ability to get along with different kinds of people and treat everyone equally. I saw a bit of it today, and I love that about you. 

Growing up in a society with inherent biases and social grid lines, the one thing I have hated all my life with a passion is perceived social inequality and people who capitalise on it to treat others badly in some way or another. So often I would see casual contempt showcased for people who had/were "less". Made me sick. 

One of my earliest memories of sensing these divides is when I was in the 1st standard. So maybe like 6-7?! Idk. My dad one of the commanding officers in that town at the time, and in the scheme of things used to have a lot of social currency and general prestige that came with the post. A classmate of mine - who was also the son of a daily wage earner - happened to come over with his dad who was delivering something to our house. I went over to say hello and his dad basically made him greet me politely but was unsure if he should be allowed to play with me. I was very confused, but the adults were all acting like it was normal. I might be getting a lot of the details wrong now, cuz it's been a while, but I had this overwhelming feeling of forbiddenness emanating from everyone at the thought of us playing together. 

The worst part is how these get passed down to kids and they just act out all the shit they see adults do. Like my gay friend constantly getting bullied in school. It went on to a point where he thought asking me out was a way to show the world he had a gf and wasn't gay. And then it become this huge scene where half his bullies came to confront me about us dating. Lol, I was so mad at all of them! We had a huge showdown with me yelling at 7 boys at once, while my friend stood around doing nothing. Fuck, istg I could have gotten a beating of a lifetime and I would have happily taken one if it meant they stop harassing him. 

Many years and a lot of life experience later, I came to understand the garbage social structures in place and I have no patience for people who don't just stomp on all of them collectively with conviction. Be a dick to everyone equally, that's the motto. No selective dickery. If you gotta be cunty, do it to everyone.

Most people may not understand or know this about me, but I can admire someone's skill while being completely neutral to them. It's only personal traits that actually evoke an intimate reaction. And I don't fully (or maybe not even partially) know the kind of man you are, but the few values you've let slip do earn my respect. I truly hope I'm reading you right. :) 

To my toothy 1st standard friend - It was a joy that you came over, I was happy that day. Thank you for a core memory that has helped me build a foundational value in my life. Wherever you are, I hope life smiles big, wide grins at you, just the way you did at me that day! :) 

Lots of love. 

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