Wednesday, July 5, 2023


People can be friends, yet so starkly different from each other. It's interesting. Some can talk about themselves so openly and others are so guarded. I've always wondered about that. Both Ms I know are guarded asf. So was A. J too. Di somewhere in the middle. Like she is extremely guarded but she always maintained that she opened up to me quite easily. Even though we started out talking a lot later in life, it was quite easy to get along. We have a nice equation.

Crap, I think I'm seeing a pattern haha. Almost everyone I'm close to or have been close to is a closed up person one way or another. Lmaooo. Oh well, it's about time one of them starts opening up for reals, enough mysteries and testing and whatever else he is afraid of. You have one life, lean into it. If I can - you can, I'm sure. Think I'm gonna straight up ask him to soon if he doesn't start on his own lol

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