Wednesday, July 12, 2023

der Student

Finally decided to start doing a bit of study yesterday. I'm so sick of being a shitty player ugh. MAYBE I'LL LEARN SOMETHING. 

Hopefully playing over the board helps me with visualisation. As I was setting this up, I implicitly understood the whole space advantage concept, and the value of tempo. Last time I saw that play out was in one of M's clips where just that lack of one move made it possible for him to win. 

Hmm, I wonder if D4 players have to think about tempo as much as gambiteers. It feels like in D4 the game actually starts kinda lazy and then post move 10 or so is when people actually start longer thinks. I think I tend to equate openings cuz in my head it just feels like it doesn't matter what you play as long as you can develop the ability to calculate. But that's mostly easier said than done and lack of experience on my part. 

Anyway, let me aim at understanding atleast one chapter at a time and mix it up with some older games. Nice, I can try to articulate and write down my learnings here, might give me some clarity of thought. 

Ps - is it irrational of me to be irritated at that queen not being in the centre of the box? It bothers me so much lol. As I type this I'm getting incessant spam of insta reels and ngl I want to yell. How do people spend all day just watching reels man? 1-3 maybe but like spamming it for hours and it's the same bs and it's so generic like how does your brain not rot? I just hate this and fuck, I actually want to snap lol. A part of me hates people who choose not to think and have no interests or curiosity. What's even the point in being so comatose like ffs make an effort somewhere! 

Okay tangential rant over. Bek to chessings.

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