Monday, July 10, 2023


I told myself I won't engage and I won't but ffs " Catch of the century " my ass. Dear darling lady, I know you mean well but quality folks don't choose to actively destroy other people's lives and then act like some desperate, self obsessed lunatic. The problem with folks like that is that in their narrative, they are always the victims. 

But then again idk, it seems like this person has some personality disorder of sorts. The behaviour is a bit too unhinged, especially as they aren't young. Even 20yos show a better grip on reality to be honest. Hmmm. Actually, this kinda makes me think. I noticed the constant need for attention, the random lying to make it seem like the person who told her to leave him alone actually wants her, the incessant baiting and what not. And at that age you don't date married folks unless you simply can't find someone else. Like susceptible women do the married fiascos only when they are 21-22ish and are basically kids who get swept away. Idk why but I feel like the dude might also be a lot older. Somehow that just fits. People similar in age won't fall for this act, I'm sure of that. It's really weird tbh. The entire persona seems so made up. I guess anonymity maybe makes people pretend? Idk. But folks who actually get attention don't need to vie for it this way, they simply get it without trying. Even the name is designed to stand out, isn't it? Or throwing different personalities at the wall, to see which works and gets a response. 

Hmmm. Man, my spidey senses just go into overdrive everytime I see that person. At first I thought it was just dislike for their actions but the more I see it, that weird ability to just make up a story without any thought for consequences gives me the creeps. 

Lol, M - I truly hope you know what you are doing. I'm not going to tell you any of this openly, cuz it might sound like I'm being petty. But I'm not, something just doesn't add up correctly here and I'm not sure what that is. I know you are smart, but people who find it that easy to lie will not hesitate to make stuff up about you if it suits them. I hope you know that. 

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