Friday, July 14, 2023



But why would you listen? I only ask ten times a day cuz I don't care obviously. Go and play more. Play for 10 hours straight. " Maybe " it seems. Gah! 

What is it with men and their stubbornness. I want to rant at you so badly rn. But what do you care what I think. 🙄 

Aaaaahhhh. Sometimes I wish I could just scold you lots, you just love being difficult don't you?  Istg I wanna sit you down and just ask whyyyy. I hate how worried I get about you. You don't even understand though and why would you? I hate seeing you in pain. I HATE IT. It's my fault only for giving a fuck. Go show off to ladies about your movie knowledge, I'm sure they would love it. See if I give a shit. 

Fml. I'm so mad rn I feel like yelling and crying both. And to throw some tennis balls at you. 

Un- fucking- real!!

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