Saturday, July 29, 2023


The lyrics of Rafi and the words of Rumi...evoke in me a seamless blend of nostalgia, yearning and a magnetic pull towards an intangible that always seems to tease with its elusiveness. Maybe it's the old fashioned permanence in their idea of love, and their devotion towards their beloved, their zest for life...but man. Every word of theirs just sets my heart on fire. 

"Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being"  

Long back I had read this one. My impulsivity then was captured by the second line, because it contained within it a call for self affirmation. But as I have changed, I have completely lost the need for the second and learnt the value of the first line. And since I think I'm waxing poetic and swoony in this post, let me end it by saying be "naughty, not knotty ".

I'll get this tattooed when I'm 80.

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