Sunday, July 9, 2023


Found this 

Oh to be the young wildling I used to be. There's something about heavy riffs and all encompassing  sounds, amitire? Dayum. Found some old pics, I guess I did know how to live it up. Holding eye contact and being coy. The value of a shy smile, that holds a lil invite. Would you ever know that's my disguise? I think not. I know how to play, I just don't let on how much I know. Oops. The goofy exterior is just a facade to keep people I don't like at bay. Girl world demands self defence. Tragic.

This song makes me want to unleash my now tame lil demons. I just love being direct and going all in, when the moment is right. Feel the combined rush of control and possessive femininity. Except, I'd give you the control, right after showing you how much of it I have. And I do have a lot. Over me, over you. I guess I'd like to see what heights we can get to. And if you can keep up. You gotta keep up. I'd never love you otherwise. Guess that's why I've always liked men not boys. Someone that can hold their own. And trust me, I will test you. Only if you pass, can you possess me too. Feel my breath on yours, chin up, my mouth inching close. I wonder baby... Can you taste it too?

For now, I'll keep these impulses on the back burner, unravel only when it's special. A lil treat. Till then, imma be good. 

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