Saturday, July 29, 2023

Navigating girl world

Is soooo complex. Was speaking to my friend and relived all those college time squabbles and who did what to whom etc just all started pouring out. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of a bitch fest lol. Interestingly, she and I have the exact same reaction styles. We just let things build up and don't communicate and then implode on the person who we are upset at, while they may not even see it coming. Guess even M has been that way all her life. Except she continues to ignore the issues. 

Lol, we three suck at confrontation. 

But I think I need to come to a point of temperance with this as well. While I booted the folks that needed booting, going forward I want to make sure that I don't let things build up to a point where it leaves no room for the other person to address problems. 

Having said that, being wary of mean girls is something that needs to become a skill. When it comes to women, the best thing to do is to select only those friendships where they are mutually supportive otherwise my god you just gotta keep watching your back. So not worth it. 

To A - once again, fucking hate you lol. You truly, truly suuuuck as a human being my god. Legit one of the two most awful folks I've met in my life and I wish I had had this clarity years ago. But I'm glad my lens on you is clear now. 

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