Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Going through Plato's republic. A bunch of decent ideas in it. Think I like him better than Nietzsche atleast. Idk why Nietzsche just invokes visceral hate in me, but he does. His ideas are so filled with wishful thinking and powermongering. If he himself was half as good at implementing them, then his own life wouldn't be as fuckall as it was. That's what gets to me the most. How do you not see the immense blind spot that is you in your own work. It's very easy to conjure up utopia, but the idea of utopia is of no use if you can't actually even reach it halfway. And the sheer arrogance of discarding all of humanity except a select few. Or thinking of yourself as the anti Christ. How full of yourself do you have to be to think that while simultaneously not being able to conjure up your own will to better your own circumstance?

Sheesh I hate him so much lol. 

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