Friday, July 21, 2023


Yaay for boundary setting. Was talking a bit to M's friend yesterday. Ended up outright telling him I like someone, and I don't do stupid shit from the get go. That felt nice to be able to be direct about it. Hope he doesn't figure out I meant M but even if he does atleast I made sure I was upfront and didn't squirm about it. Was clear that I see him as a friend. Which I do, I think he is decent from the little that I know. I'm glad he is one of those who straight up accepts it and doesn't push any boundaries. It's nice. More guys should be this way. Guess M does have decent friends. It's so hard to be friends with guys otherwise. I get uncomfortable with persistence so this is good. Wonder why it was so much tougher for me earlier. Oh well. Wonder if I should tell M we texted. I mentioned one snippet anyway so he knows. Might be childish of me but I just haaaate not sharing lmao. I guess keeping things is not my thing, even if it might come across as juvenile. I'm sure it sounds really childish when I run to him with this random info but idc. Life is just easier with transparency. Anyway, I'm sure M knows me well enough to know how I am and that I wouldn't do weird shit so it's chill. Plus after all this time it'll be a bit lame on his part if he thought otherwise lol. Can't be that mocked : D

Woohoo, progress on the personal front! 🙌

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