Monday, July 17, 2023


Introduced Di to Shrieks lmao. Hope they and their partners get along. I hope they do, they are both ex Intel so atleast will have that in common. Funny setting up friendships from so far away lol. But damn, hearing her talk about A and how awful she was to her was too much. Sadly I have to fess up sometimes about what I used to know back then but didn't say cuz I didn't want to interfere in their friendship. This feels so high school. A sucks man. Seriously. What a godawful, shite, human she is. Pathetic, insecure, and a total bitch. First time I'm spelling it out but yeah she is a total and utter bitch. 

But good stuff. Pinged Shrieks also after so long and he immediately called. So nice! Love catching up with him. Sounds like his relationship is also doing well so all round good shit. I should keep in touch more lol. 

Ugh I wanna see you guyysss. God knows when I'll be in Cali but I wanna just meet everyone!! 

In other news, I forgot the bra I'm wearing is a push up bra  😭. Need a sweatshirt this is the worst travel decision ever omg. Boobs can be such frenemies sometimes. 

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