Saturday, July 15, 2023

Thoughts - Basics

Going through chap 1 and also checked Tal v Neibult to see how he played it. He went into Qb8 in this. Need to check what happens if black goes e5 right after bf4 in this one. I'm assuming nd5 works somehow but don't know the actual calc. And my god that Queen move by Tal. Holy gods of chess. And if Neibult didn't play re6, what else did he have in that position? Man, black got strangled and how!

Anyway, pulling back. Want to just collect my thoughts right from bare basics to see what I might be missing.

What I'm seeing so far:

1. Gambits work on tempo. Precision is a given. Open files, fast attacks, pieces on key squares. Wonder how black can capitalise should it choose to gambit. Need to check 2 knights and Marshall maybe. So if you gambit with white and let black develop then you are fucked, most likely. (Ugh, but how did people know in the beginning that their gambit would help them squeeze black? How deep into a position did they even see?! The amount of time they must have spent analysing and looking for chinks ffs. There must be an evolution graph here for sure. People couldn't have just straight up started with gambits.) 

2. More space. How does this play out as an advantage in the middle game? If it doesn't result in winning a piece then does that equate the game in some sense? If both sides have easy development then I guess you need to consider that a starting position and rinse and repeat?Fuck, how do I find this out? Need some examples. 

3. Pressure points: Squares that can be weak. Bishop's that can slice, sacs that can give you an opening to the king. Rook lifts maybe later cuz need two moves to do it for them to be positioned. So maybe that helps more in mid game? There must be some key squares where you can sac a piece. Maybe f2, f7 or h7, h2? How would I know, idk chess. What can be other possible pressure point? Pinned pieces and x raying and such sure, but what else?

4. Oh and don't trade shite pieces for good ones. 

Damn, all this is conjecture still. Have to find games to verify. 

Ugh, all this again just nags at me that the best thing to learn is deep calc. But idk if that's the right way to go about it either. 

Chess - I hate you, but your complications are so damn compelling. Still hate you. 

Using Moderat as accompaniment music is making this seem very dark, like the moors from Wuthering Heights.

Okay, let me check Tal v Andres Voorema next. Wonder how many times he will try to sac his queen in this. I have a feeling this is a theme in his games. OG mocker of chess lol.

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