Friday, July 7, 2023

Navigating parents

L's mum called me today. Funny that she should after so long. She has always been so nice, right from when we were kids. She wanted to know why me and L aren't talking or why I haven't visited. I didn't know how to explain that. How do I tell someone that their daughter is a serial cheater who tried to hook up with not one but two people I used to like. The first one didn't matter as much, but the second one devastated me. It's odd that I shared that finally and a day later her mum calls me lol. Weird coincidences. I'm so over that phase of my life, it feels nice. Finally. Aunty also wanted to know why I'm not getting married lol. She is always asking me that, year on year. Haha. Idk why she is so into astrology and such. Again insisted on telling me my future. " You'll marry a famous/well respected guy and bring him lots of luck. He will be a smart, traditional person and a good husband. You might have quarrels but the marriage will endure" lolol. It's so hard to respond to anything like this, I just end up smiling and saying thanks. Well I guess the smart part is right, I don't think I can ever fall for someone whose intelligence I don't respect. 

Oh well, time will tell if you are right or not. Until then, sorry about not explaining why I don't talk to your daughter - I just don't like her, but it's great you think of me! :)

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