Friday, July 14, 2023


I'm so mad and angry rn. Dad is sick, he refuses to go to the hospital. Won't listen. Now I might have to travel to his town and get him to go. Atleast to make sure he is fine. Mom is just constantly doing mom things. Far be it for her to notice how I feel. Have to take her to the US Embassy too in a few days so that's another few days of travel. I'm so so so sick of being the one who has to constantly care about everyone. Noone even asks me how I'm doing. Not even once. Noone gives a shit how they impact me ever. It's like I just don't exist beyond what people can extract out of me. I feel so so so so miserable atm. 

Man, I rarely ask anyone for anything but just every once in a while I wish someone would just coddle me and make me feel nice. I feel shitty even saying that cuz it feels like it's not meant for me.

Fuck it, I'm just gonna go cry for a bit. 

Ah yes, right on cue just send me this. I'll just press mute 😡

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