Thursday, January 4, 2024

Decor I liked


Was watching some random youtuber house tour vid and gah my eyes watered at how uggos those stark mansions look yuck. Nothing I hate more than pointless ostentatiousness like it screams lack of class to me. Esp if there's an echo in a house, then it's just needlessly big.

I'm a die hard Dieter Rams school of design philosophy convert and I cannot bring myself to appreciate things that serve no purpose it's so inefficient. 

Had to purge that memory by finding decor ideas on Pinterest lol.  I really love the cosy Japanese style aesthetic and these warm tones for bedrooms. Simple clean lines, elegant and comfortable. Probably not the frilly pillow in the last bedroom but the colour tones are so soothing, no needless clutter. I like rustic reds and beige and grey tones together. Even like the addition of the blue stripes on the headboard that's a nice touch. And comfy leather armchairs, fake leather ofc. 

Something about cozy spaces is really lovely to me. 

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