Thursday, February 8, 2024


I've been a fan of Moby for so long, and yet I've never really paid attention to a whole lotta lyrics of his songs. As Porcelain comes up, a song name that I adore, I feel like I'm listening to it for the very first time. 

"In my dreams I'm dying all the time
As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to lie
So this is goodbye
This is goodbye
Tell the truth you never wanted me
Tell me
In my dreams I'm jealous all the time
As I wake I'm going out of my mind
Going out of my mind"

Funny. I've never related to lyrics that were uber sad or hopeless. I don't think I do even now, somehow they simple fade into the background as the musical notes take over. 

"In my dreams I see Roger Federer smacking a ball in style
This isn't even a lie" 


I want to play a little game with someone
2 lies and a truth. If you knew me well, would you guess which is which? 
If I knew you well, would I guess which is which? 

Might be fun to find out. Bet I'd know you better than you know me though, I'm the kind that pays attention. 

Had been over to Thibault's channel a couple of times this week. I have started using him as a radio I think. He strikes me as a v indie coder, somehow they all have this liking for loungy Indian music. Bit on the nose to find someone who knows more Indian artists than I do, kiiinda shameful lol. Still, music is music and I love discovering random stuff. 

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