Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Okay let's try to be happy and light hearted. Nothing in life is too bad that some sleep and positivity won't fix it. 

Good things that are meant to stay will find a way. Freedom, happiness, and nurturing is the only way to grow any equation and it needs to be two ways and willingly bestowed not asked for. So I humbly accept that and I shall not push for anything ever, but I'll wait for what's meant to be for me to come to me on its own. I deserve that, I've had a lot of strife but I'm not going to let that bring me to my knees or clutch at something. And a big warm hug because you also deserve a lot of love and care, I'll never be stingy about that when it comes to you. :)

And however I am feeling, just gotta push myself to stick to my schedule and get the things that need my attention done. One step at a time. The good part of immersing in stuff is that it doesn't leave you with enough time to ponder anything, which is the need of the hour for now. 

Whatever. Let's be happyyyyy

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