Saturday, February 24, 2024

Rat race

Holy crap talking to my friend and discussing house prices and how many mills who spent on what. Haha, I'd forgotten how competitive and weird some circles can be lmaoooo. What a rat race the world can be. 

This is a part of adulthood I just hate. Discussing guys and relationships and maaaaan people are sooooo fucked up. This is just crazy. No wonder I cut so many people out. GOOD FUCKING DECISION. 

So many women are also so crazy fuck...why do they feel so competitive and feel the need to dress up more when another girl is around? So many insecure people out there man. I noticed that this one girl was just getting jealous because some dude was speaking to me like what the fuck. Kept trying to show territory like I'm remotely interested 😭😭😭😭. Vvvv lame. 

Plus sometimes I think guys can be veryyyyy immune to these tricks women get up to. They never notice. Whyyyyy. Idiots. 

But I've learnt this huge truth about life - people will interfere and fuck up your life if you let them so better steer clear of the nutters.  No negotiations.

Humanity sucks. 

Also I'm so drunk muhahahhaha. 

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