Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Finally body is recovering whew! πŸ–•

I've started enjoying this random mid day routine of writing out bs. Idk when it became a habit but it's kinda fun. Lol. I don't think I've written this extensively ever in my life. Even my diaries as a kid were all filled up but not as elaborate. I do have a love for writing, or rather I'm developing it maybe. Slowly trying to rediscover other passions in life too. Time will pass anyway, might as well use it in bits I enjoy doing.

Something about sunny days also makes me happy. Esp spring time cuz the city looks pretty in parts. Something about the permanence of nature and trees has always been soothing to observe. Even the tree outside my window starts to flower and makes me feel a tiny bit happier than I did before I looked at it. Small pleasures. I've been trying to make note of them all to practice a sense of gratefulness. Let's see how I do. 

Been seeing some of Nadia Bryan's reels, she seems like a sweet person. All about her kids though. Funny how your entire life starts to revolve around kids once you have them. She seems to have a good marriage though, which is nice. Lots of times sports folks tend not to, but both these two dudes seem very grounded and loving. I enjoy knowing people can be that way. It's important to be able to believe in the fact that good folks are around too I guess. I usually don't really pay a lot of attention to insta shit but every once in a while something seems wholesome. 

Randomly came across my old colleagues' profile on insta and added him on a whim. First time I'm sharing mine with someone other than the 4 people I had and instantly all the rest of those guys popped up on my suggestions lol. It's just hard to keep social media on the down low sometimes but I don't wanna go back to adding the whole world and then have my feed be about people. I'd rather still keep in touch with folks personally. Except for a few. Just easier imo. Was speaking to him a little, he is on a solo trip at the moment and sent some pics of the places he went to. Soooo gorgeous. Somehow I always tend to meet people who are kinda offbeat and are comfy with themselves. I remember he and I had this huuuuuge debate on which is a better movie... Tron Legacy or Rush hahahaha. Man. So smashed we got and then debated for literal hours. Honestly just have the weirdest times with folks and yet it's the fucking best. Hehe. Cheers to the crazies. You all are interesting, intelligent and fun. Glad I know you all. 

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