Saturday, February 10, 2024

Dance with me

To This

I love StrFkr. And I want to drink an Old Fashioned, hold it in my hand and dance with you. 

Fuck man × I owe it to myself to not settle. This just means I'll choose someone crazy who will wring my heart to bits and I'll love him still. Oy vey. 

Well, here's to the crazy ones. 

May we make love, may we feud, fight, cuddle, and love each other forevermore.

Just make sure you are a man. That's all I ask. Like I said, I can't settle. Strength of character is non negotiable. I have it, you gotta too. The rest, we can figure. 

Until then, imma groove to:

Isabella Of Castille

Or maybe this

Girls just wanna have fun

I know how to be good. Just like I know how to be kind. Doesn't mean I don't know how to be the opposite. I just choose not to. Otherwise I'd be out getting flung and touching tongues whenever I wanted. But I don't. 

But hell will freeze over before I let you disrespect me and get away with it. Suck it.  

And unlike your other ladies, I do not plan on getting some guy to finger bang me on harleys and ask you if you care. If I was letting some other dude finger bang me, I assure'd be the last person I'd even give a shit about. Because trust me....the dude fingering me, would not be a giant fucking pussy. :)

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