Monday, February 26, 2024


Recommended Agam to Thibault and he played it instantly. Lol. Some little things like that just make me smile. It's nice when people treat you well. 

Lately, I've been noticing more and more how nice it feels when someone takes an active interest in knowing you. I used to never give someone that chance before, was the first one to share stuff without prompting and generally my interest in people used to make them comfortable with me and I'd never noticed how they actually behaved. But even these kinda tiny gestures have started registering. I'm glad. It sucks that you reach a stage in life where you have to make note of these tiny things, but it's important to have a sense of genuineness. 

It's been a very, very long time since I've felt like someone was genuine and sweet to me. Man. 

I miss that. 

Actually I do remember when the last time was when someone was good to me. Lol. That one conversation many months ago. That was it. Dayum. 

And I recall it vividly because it made me realise the stark difference between when someone is actually nice to you v when they are all about themselves. 

The former is what you should have in life. 

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