Saturday, February 10, 2024

Such a loungy day. Gotta find some nice place to go to, feel like being around some plants and trees lol.

Edit: lying down in the grass with the sun scorching me and listening to some random music from a coding stream while reading and playing chess intermittently. Technology, I love you. I truly do. Following thibault on lastfm, he is a gold mine of nice music. So excited to discover new artists!! I think I can spend just hours simply finding new stuff. 

I feel good. The only thing that would have made this better is a nice cold beer next to me hahah. Too bad parks don't let you but I guess if they did, I'd be snoozing here after one oops. 

Was checking out some Haskell learning site and the author seems to be a Terry Pratchett fan. Named some chapters after his book. I love these random crossovers and now I want to reread Guard! Guards! 🀷‍♀️

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