Saturday, February 10, 2024



Tell the truth you never wanted me 

Tell me

In my dreams I'm jealous all the time

As I wake I'm going out of my mind

Going out of my mind


Seeing some insta lives all perfect and pretty and graded to correct colour. I have shiny smile too, I slap it on whenever I have to talk to someone, it's so easy. Sometimes I wonder if you would have ever had that problem. But you're soooo tough aren't you? :) Mr. Tough Guy. 

Here's a song I think would suit you fine:

Cold Little Heart

Tu tu tu, tu tu tu tu. 

And this a song for me: On Melancholy Hill

Hehe, sorry darling... I'm being mean to you cuz I miss you, obviously. :) 

It's just fun to imagine you as a cold, heartless, scheamy ( I can't even spell it, I tried thrice) lil B word which I can't bring myself to call you ever because I can't bring myself to demean you. But why'd you have to go be so mean to me? 

I wanna wail, wail, wail like Daisy Buchanan might, except I'm not shallow and flimsy like her and nor as delicate...but just this once I wanna get upto glorious flights of dramatics and wave my pretty lace hanky around to signal my discontent. Heh. So I'll be make myself content by scolding you in my mind, and trust you me, I have - very harshly at that. I always forgive you after though. That's my pet albatross. I named him Fluffy. 

Black, White and Blue

Here's an actual song for you though, maybe someday I'll send it and you can pretend you are hearing it for the first time: 

Friday I'm in love

Oh wow and coincidentally this too - 

Of all the things to find, the song came on and a little later the image. 

May the gods of odds always be in my favour. And since I wanted to share this song with you, I suppose I should say our. Lucky you. 

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