Thursday, February 1, 2024


When someone forces themselves on someone else physically, it is termed assault. But what's the term for when someone repeatedly does something mentally to you that you object to, and yet they just continue?

It certainly seems emotionally/ mentally rapey to me when people choose to ignore a firm 'No' multiple times and continue to subject you to their shitty behaviour despite being asked not to repeatedly. 

Would it be termed a form of mental assault? Every single toxic person I've come across has had this one thing in common. Their complete and relentless ability to ignore a 'No' and crossing your boundaries repeatedly after being told not to. And this can come from any person at times. Like my stalker pal, who I used to think was a decent person but turned out to be like those very same abusive people and then continues to violate every boundary again and again. 

Like what does it take for them to stop? Or do they simply stop at nothing? 

Makes me sick to realise the shit you have to deal with for the simple crime of having been nice to someone. 

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