Sunday, July 7, 2024

Alice Munro


Sometimes you read horrendous records like this -


My mind just shuts down at disturbing accounts like this. A man... In his 50s... Doing this to a kid. Would she have been the only one? I don't know. And then them calling a 9yo a homewrecker. Fuck. 

It takes so long sometimes to untangle the mess adults left you with. Esp adults whose job it was to protect your and love you. I cannot imagine how betrayed you must feel when faced with this. Or how hard it is to accept that the people in your life who were meant to care for you are the actual monsters. No child should ever have to deal with that. Women too, can be such scummy people. To distance yourself from something like this and not take the side of your own child. It's such a crime. And she has a nobel. 💀

Idk man. I think there's way too many people out there that have the potential to be harmful. It's best to be very discerning, esp when it comes to stuff like sexual abuse or any form of abuse tbh. I still just can't wrap my head around the fact that a 50yo man would do this. What I hated the most here was Alice and her completely selfish take and assuming that all these kids were a threat to her security. How do women end up this way? And how are they so completely about themselves? My own mom is extremely self centred and self serving but I cannot imagine even her being this outright fucked up. Like no way. 

This is the reason I hate selfish, self serving people. They cause so much psychological damage and a lot of the times it ends up charting a course for wreckage in your own lives when in reality... None of it was your fault and none of it makes you in the wrong. 

I wish I could take away a lot of the hate and negativity from this world. I do. If I had that one superpower, it would be that I could protect and help people who need it. People who need to see what makes them special, what makes them lovable and make sure everyone can feel at ease knowing in their hearts and minds that they are worthy. 

Shit ya. Terrible thing to have read so early on a Monday. Alice Munro. You truly are a giant piece of shit. Bitch lived till 92 also, what a turd.


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