Saturday, May 27, 2023

Wodehouse and Co.

"Freddie experienced the sort of abysmal soul-sadness which afflicts one of Tolstoy's Russian peasants when, after putting in a heavy day's work strangling his father, beating his wife, and dropping the baby into the city's reservoir, he turns to the cupboards, only to find the vodka bottle empty."


You sir, are a genius! 

Very very few times I've come across authors that make me laugh out loud. You, Sue Townsend and Douglas Adams are a trinity of laughter riots for me. Three constants on my shelf ever since I was a child. At some point I realised that I actually tend to express myself a bit like you guys. There's a bit of magic in expressing absurdity with the help of a long winded statement that has mundane comparatives which sock you with their randomness. 

So I'll end this with two quotes by Townsend and Adams, just to round it off and maintain balance in love.

" I was racked with sexuality but it wore off when I helped my father put manure on our rose bed."

"The Guide says there is an art to flying", said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. "

And a special one for Marvin, the paranoid android whose utter disgust with everything has me in splits everytime. 

"You watch this door. It's about to open again. I can tell by the intolerable air of smugness it suddenly generates." 

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