Saturday, May 27, 2023

Men 🙄

Why do men have to be stubborn? No but like why? Why? What is with the male gene and it's insistence on just not ever listening to anyone?  And it's not like they don't know stuff, they do. BUT! How else will they pay homage to their maleness if they actually babied themselves once in a while? Limb about to fall of? Nah, "tis but a scratch" they'll say. 🙄 

Nothing brings out the cliche woman in me as much as these folks like Nadal who just won't listen and make me want to badger and nag and then I realise I have to stfu and pretend to be cool and instead rant here to get it out of my system.  

=⁠_⁠= =⁠_⁠= =⁠_⁠= 

Smh. Whatever. Hope Mr. Stubbornness feels better soon, I hate seeing him wince in pain like that. :(

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