Sunday, May 21, 2023

The irony in my impulsivity

Sometimes I feel like I say things without thinking, and people just get offended. I don't even mean to, and I've never once had an instinct to willingly or casually hurt someone, yet it feels like no matter how hard I try, some days I just can't do anything right. It's like the words have a life of their own, and people insist on finding the worst interpretation of it. I can't understand if this is operating from a space of no faith in me, or is it just me that's flawed. Can people really not see how much I actually care about them? Or does all of that just get washed away in an instant?

For as long as I can remember, I used to feel like an outsider just looking in. That feeling had levelled off the last couple of years, but stuff like this just brings it all back.

Bleh, I should just not talk to anyone. 

Edit: You know what...fuck it. I thought about it and I'm sick of just blaming myself when I didn't do anything wrong. I'm not putting up with bs, uncalled for treatment from anyone. 

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